logalert is a logfile monitoring tool which executes a specific action whenever
it matches a string (pattern) occurrence.
It reads an entire file (or starts at the end, just like tail -f), keeps track
of any changes, waiting for a specific pattern (a syslog process error, a user login, ...)
and fires an action you define when that happens.
logalert uses regular expression to match the pattern occurrence and executes
commands via shell interaction. It deals fine with logrotation and temporary removal
normally used by sysadmins.
Released version 0.3 :
- Changed code to use PCRE library (Perl Compatible Regular Expression)
- Now it is possible to grab some string in the regular expression pattern and use it in the command action as a parameter.
logalert -m 'grab next string -> ([^\s\t]+)' -e '/usr/local/bin/somescript.sh -u $1' /var/log/somelogfile.log
Get the latest tarball here:
logalert-0.3.tar.gz [md5sum: fd02ca21e4ccd34d0e1609abc89aefce]
Older Versions
logalert-0.2.tar.gz [md5sum: 439d6ff4b52b21cf4a5f3450fa912ee6]
logalert-0.1.tar.gz [md5sum: 38706ba7cbf916d11ce1daa73ae83f84]
We need help! :-)
Currently, we are still fixing bugs, porting the source to other plataforms and would very much appreciate any feedback you have.
So please, email me if you have any suggestion, bug or the like!